ENG Packing for vacation as a fashion blogger isn’t always a bed of roses. First of all there is never enough space in the suitcase. Seriously, never. It doesn’t matter where you go and for how long, there is just no chance of packing without a moment of frustration. But I guess the fear of forgetting something or overweight (nobody wants to pay for that, right?) affects basically every girl. Lately I came up with a new ‘technique’ and try to pack one outfit for one day. Does that work out? Of course not. An emergency outfit is needed anytime you go somewhere. And you know you failed when your emergency outfit contains 17 additional tops, 10 skirts and 12 dresses. Not even mentioning the shoes.
I don’t know about other bloggers, but besides packing matching pieces, I always think about the surrounding and how clothes I choose will interact with the background. The colors and style of both must go hand in hand in order to create a certain harmony of pictures, which I personally see as important. It gives me satisfaction and inner peace. (bloggers are weird) When you think of Greece, you automatically think white/blue outfits, in Italy you would go for something romantic and feminin while New York is more dark, high-fashion and extravagant. The places you go can have a huge influence on what you choose to wear. On me at least. (still weird)
My birthday look in Croatia is an example for harmony. The dress was a perfect complement to the city walls of Dubrovnik. The metallic silver accessories were a perfect complement to the dress. I couldn’t choose a better outfit to highlight the beauty of the Old Town. I reached the highest satisfaction level, feeling a bit like a modern princess. Also, it is the first outfit on my blog with my new Dior bag!
Enough with the fashion/clothes talk. Let’s go back to Croatia! A must do attraction in Dubrovnik is definitely a walk around the Ancient City Walls. To avoid the heat and crowd the best time to do it, is either morning or evening . It involves steps and up-hill climbs, so no further work out needed. Of course I had another pair of flat shoes hidden in my bag, ready to be worn. There are quite a few places to stop for cold drinks and take a break, which I recommend. Just take your time and enjoy the outstanding view. It is a jewel. An incredibly beautiful one.
Was für ein toller Look! Wirklich von Kopf bis Fuß gelungen :) Deine Schuhe gefallen mir besonders gut.
xx Selin
Skoro kiedys dodawałas zdjęcia ze kobiece kształty sa piekne i Twoja sylwetka w ogole Ci nie przeszkadza to dlaczego tak nagle schudłaś?
Moja przerwa od blogowania była spowodowana tym, że nie czułam się dobrze w swojej sylwetce. Dalej uważam, że kobiece kształty są piękne, ale w moim przypadku nie wyglądało to dobrze. Brzuszek, uda itd. Zawsze byłam szczupła i tak się sobie najbardziej podobam :) ważne jest, aby czuć się w swojej skórze dobrze, teraz tak się czuję i mogę wrócić do blogowania. Powiem szczerze, że nie pamiętam kiedy mówiłam, że moja sylwetka mi nie przeszkadza, ale raczej było to przed tym jak waga pokazała liczbę mi dotąd nie znaną :)
Świetne zdjęcia i stylizacja, aż można na chwilę zapomnieć o brzydkiej pogodzie za oknem ;) A propos sandałków i torebki- metaliczny trend jest jednym z moich ulubionych na ten sezon :D