This is the last part of photos from Dublin. I still have some more outfits, but I don’t think they’re worth showing. In this post you can see a little bit of Dublin. The nice parts of the town and the worse ones. I have to say, I love both! I miss the city. I feel so free every time I’m in Ireland. I love the people and their lifestyle. It took me 5 minutes to see more stylish people walking down the streets than I have ever seen in Germany for the last 2 years! I mean it! Still I think, you have to see to believe.
Zara shorts | Topshop vest | Pull&Bear blouse | H&M jacket | Claire’s boots | H&M rings
Amazing outfit, I love the vest!
Super schöne Bilder :)
looks like u had a beautiful day!
Hasta que alguien se atrevio a poner un sueter encima de una chaqueta de cuero! hermosa combinacionde colores y texturas!
oho, madame möchtegern-cool hat wieder zugeschlagen :D
oho, anonymous Hater wieder auf Tour? :D <3
awesome look :)
pretty :)
Liebe Grüße,
Sandy von modewunder
Love this outfit!! :) x
I love your outfit! The vest is amazing!
Would you like to follow each other – I really like your style and blog :)
I love your boots <3
oh! you look great!
I love the vest the colour is gorgeous! Great look!x
Amazing outfit! regards!
like the first and the last 2.
xoxo 2NDtheytalk.blogspot.com
Sehr schön
ich hab mal eine frage von wem lässt du dich eigentlich fotografieren und welche kamera hast du?
Ich hab die Nikon D3100. Und es kommt immer drauf an, wer mit mir unterwegs ist (:
So gorgeous!
sehr schöner look, meine Liebe <3
I want to go to Ireland so badly!!!
Lucky you!
Thanks for sharing these photos!
Miss Starshiny
greets from germany!
i like your photos!
I'm totaly in love with your vest ! Love your blog, come to see mine ;)
wirklich bei jedem post denk ich mir "ich will das! und das, und das!" xD ich fänds echt spitze wenn du doch mal überlegst, zu schreiben woher du die Kleidung auch hast :)